Committee 2021-23 Election Results

The official results of the election for the 2021-23 committee, which will oversee the running of the club for the next two years, can be seen below. The election commenced immediately after the AGM held on Friday the 10th September and continued on Sunday 12th September. The eleven members of Committee will take up the roles as decided as per Statute, and these roles will subsequently be announced to members.

Committee would like to thank all those who actively participated in the AGM and in the election. Special thanks goes to Joseph Catania, who occupied the position of Vice-President in the last Committee, for the 16 years of stellar service dedicated to the club, and who will continue giving service to the club from outside committee. The club welcomes new committee member Marvin Grech who returns to committee duty. The new Committee looks forward to continue serving the club and its members in the challenges that lie ahead.