2020 Christmas Lottery for MUSC Malta and Malaika

Every year, during the month of December, we organise a fund-raising lottery and the annual tradition is to draw the names of those grabbing our great prizes during the Members’ Christmas party. Although this year we had to cancel the festive parties, we will still be organising this year’s lottery and we are preparing some great prizes.

Even though this has been a tough year financially we are still committed to share the income from the lottery with a local charity, same as we always did for the past 11 years. This year we have chosen the group Malaika. Ex Club Secretary for many years and Club stalwart Furtu Caruana together with Ms Joan Gabriele form part of this group who are doing amazing projects down in Tanzania.


Here is a message from Furtu.

My friend Joan Gabriele and I (Furtu Caruana) have been going to Tanzania to carry out voluntary work since 2008. Our group is called ‘Malaika’ (Malta&Afrika) which is Kiswahili for ‘Angel’. We have covered various projects during these years.

Last year we built a greenhouse which is getting on very well. In the previous two years we helped to build two boreholes. We managed to do such projects because of the help we receive from many Maltese people.

We are planning to do more work even through these difficult times. Our main aim is to help replace hospital beds in the children’s and male wards at Makiungu Hospital. The present beds are in a very bad state and definitely do not help the patients to rest well on them. The mattresses are a real disgrace and need replacement as soon as possible.

Joan and I would be happy if you can help us achieve our aim.

Thank you



We would like to urge our members to help us with this year’s lottery. With your contribution you shall be helping our Supporters’ Club in these difficult times and supporting these noble projects in countries which, maybe, before COVID-19 often failed to teach us that we should never take things for granted.

THANK YOU for your support!